Thursday, October 22, 2009

A Talking Week

First, a few comments:
After snowing 8 inches over 2 days last week, the temps are back around 70, and it's a beautiful fall day. I plan to do some driving around town tomorrow and try to get a good photo of the colors. I'm a little disappointed: on Saturday one of the nearby towns is having a fall foliage tour on its historical railway, and but the tickets are sold out. Next year, I must remember to start keeping my eyes open for the ticket sales starting in September!

I've noticed my postings are now running late, a Thursday/Saturday schedule instead of Tues/Fri. I am still committed to 2 posts a week...I've just been busier now that it's later in the semester and things are getting pushed back later in the week.

And now:
I wanted to thank everyone who read my blog last week and e-mailed me comments. I promise to reply to everyone this weekend. It was really great to hear from people.

The theme this past week was social interaction. I haven't talked this much in weeks. I had two friends approach me to ask for my perspective on different issues. I gave two talks: one to a class, a practice talk to a prof (and I get to give it to the department on Friday!) And also on Friday the department is going out for happy hour. I know this might not seem like much, but my typical week has me sitting in class in the morning, then going home straight after class. It doesn't bother me. I don't have anything worthwhile to say, anyway.